Shereese Slate - Founder of SheWear

SheWear Hair Care™ is the brain child of Shereese L. Slate, Celebrity Hairstylist and well-respected hair, beauty and make-up expert. Called SheWear for short, the company is proud to be the first of its kind and the only one to offer hair weave to customers via the direct sales channel. Inspired by the door-to-door selling techniques of the first African-American millionaire woman, Madame CJ Walker, SheWear offers its high quality line of hair directly to customers through direct orders and home parties facilitated by hair consultants.

Slate's goal for the company is to help others save money while also offering them an opportunity to grow financially and rebuild the wealth in the community. In a $32-billion market, SheWear stands to gain ground and become the leading hair weave selling company in the industry with its innovative way of marrying tradition with modern technology, says Slate, to change the minds of people one head at a time. As a business opportunity, the company boasts an unbeatable unique opportunity for financial freedom for a low one-time entry cost and no silly rules and requirements. Each hair consultant has the flexibility to do business at her own pace, on her own time and without meeting any quotas to maintain an active status.

SheWear's premier product line is Celebrity Hair, and is available in four distinctly different styles. Offering the most flawless weave hair available is a top selling point because the hair has the highest possible quality rating in the industry. SheWear Celebrity Hair is guaranteed to last one year with proper care which makes it a smart investment, allowing buyers to save money by not purchasing the lesser quality, more inexpensive "throw away hair" every two weeks. The goal is being reached, and the company is experiencing tremendous growth by focusing on the needs of others.
